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»Beauty will save the World.« (F. M. Dostojevski)


on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of Gimnazija Slovenske Konjice

True Beauty

The concept of beauty has always troubled humanity, and the norms of aesthetics that have emerged over time hold up a mirror to society. In the 21st century, do we only see beauty or do we also know how to understand it? Is it an all-encompassing spiritual value or only a momentary experience?

In today's social circumstances, Beauty is trapped within the boundaries of the digital and media world. The universal and eternal is now being replaced by the momentary and changing. In the famous statement of the title, Dostoevsky explains Beauty as that which goes beyond mere aesthetics and plays a driving humanistic role. It brings out the best in us and leads us to greater social cohesion, acceptance, goodness and truth. True beauty is a prerequisite for a healthy community and the path to the essence of life.

In this competition, we will reflect on the above: Where is the source of true beauty in the modern world? How do you, dear young authors, understand it?

Young people aged 13 to 18 are invited to participate in the art and literature categories:

a. Literary competition in English

b. Photography competition

c. Art competition - painting

Terms and Conditions

We accept original works created during the current school year and not yet published until Thursday, 21 March 2024. In addition to electronic submission, artworks should be sent by post to the following address:

Gimnazija Slovenske Konjice

Tattenbachova ulica 2a,
3210 Slovenske Konjice
with the subject line: ART COMPETITION

Each school can participate with a maximum of 5 entries per category. Mentors must fill in the form for each entry/creator separately.

The award ceremony for the best entries will be held live and online at the closing event at the Slovenske Konjice Secondary School on Tuesday 23 April 2024.

Additional information on the competition:

Mateja Smolar Tič, prof. mateja.smolar-tic@guest.arnes.si, +386 31 504 439

General criteria:

- creativity

- originality

- social critique

- relevance to the thematic guidelines

- appropriate artistic/ pictorial/photographic language

- appropriate literary/ pictorial/photographic skills

Requirements for each category:


The length of the submission is limited:

- prose - maximum 500 words,

- poetry - 1 poem.

Entries should be proofread, written in Word, Times New Roman, font size 12, paragraph spacing 1.5, double-sided alignment, and saved as a PDF.

Submit individual entries to: https://forms.office.com/e/iFSkh3XMft


Photographs must have at least 3000 pixels on the long side. Please save the photo in JPG format.

Submit individual work to: https://forms.office.com/e/iFSkh3XMft


The artwork may be presented in any painting art form, A3 size (297 × 420 mm) on paper (drawing sheet), horizontally or vertically. They should be sent in a folder that will protect the work. The products will remain at our school until the end of the exhibition. Original artworks should be sent by post, not colour copies. The artist, title, mentor and school should be written on the back of the artwork. The artwork should be sent electronically in JPG format.

Submit individual work to: https://forms.office.com/e/iFSkh3XMft

The rewarded works will be collected in the publication True Beauty. All participants and mentors will receive certificates of participation. The organiser has the right not to award prizes in a certain category or to reject individual entries without providing reasons if the jury considers that they do not meet the basic criteria.

Entries will be evaluated by:


- Gerard Britovsek, Language Assistant

- Janja Ribič, MA in English Language and Literature

Nataša Uskoković, BA in English Language and Literature


- Žan Juhart, Eng. mep. BA in Design

- Karmen Kukovič, Amateur Photographer

Head of the jury. Vasja Ivančič, MA in Informatics


- Milan Lamovec - Didi, BA in art, painter

- Domen Hitrec, BA in Painting

Head of the jury: Nataša Pibernik, MA in Art

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